A.T.A.C. and the Youth Fencer

The Board of Directors has established the following guidelines for the success of our school age fencers.
At A.T.A.C. we believe:
We can help your child be successful in school by forming a partnership with you, the parent, and your child's teachers. If your child is having difficulty in a subject, let a Board member know. We can provide extra encouragement and, perhaps together, help your child be successful in school.
A positive reinforcement system works better than negative attention. At no time will a child be embarrassed by public display of poor grades (either through posting or announcement).
We believe that children perform up to the standards expected of them. We try to create a positive environment, one in which we brag about our successes and ignore those little stumbles. If your child has made the honor roll or done an outstanding job in their work, let us know. We would like to showcase successes on the "Wall of Fame" and in our newsletter.
School age fencers should meet the same requirements as they would if competing on a school UIL team, "no pass, no play." Students with failing grades should not be allowed on team trips. Parents have the right to request a child not attend a competition based on poor performance in school.
School Team members are required to maintain a "C" average in all subjects. Students not maintaining a "C" in their subjects will be allowed to drill, at the discretion of the parent, but not take part in the fun part of fencing, open bouting.
We hope that this will encourage commitment and initiative in our children to achieve success. Success in school is more important than success in fencing. If your student needs a little extra time for homework, they are welcome to bring their books to the fencing center and complete the work in the student lounge. Older students and parents often provide guidance and assistance in a variety of subjects.
We expect our team members to have clean uniforms and practice proper personal hygiene.
We want you and your child to be happy and feel comfortable at the ATAC fencing academy. If there is a problem of any kind, please let a Board member know.
We attempt to guide students to the instructor most suited to their weapon, fencing style and personality; however, should your child want to switch to a different instructor, this is not a problem. Talk to us and we'll be pleased to accommodate your family.